期刊论文: J65. He Chuanlin, Xu Xing, et al. Cyber-attack detection for lateral control system of cloud-based intelligent connected vehicle based on BiLSTM-Attention network, Measurement, 2025, 247, 116740. J64. Chen Xiao, Xu Xing, et al. Multi-objective topology optimization design of silicon carbide metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors power module liquid-cooled heatsink for electric vehicles, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 254, 123861. J63. Jiang Zhenchuan, Xu Xing, Zhang Hao, et al. Wheel slip ratio control considering time delay characteristic for electro-mechanical braking system, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 2024, DOI:10.1177/09544070241238276. J62. Xu Xing, Wu Zhongwei, Su Pengwei, et al. Fault detection and fault-tolerant control of dual-motor autonomous steering system, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2024,46(15):2984-2995. J61. Wu Zhongwei Xu Xing, Liu Zhenyu, et al. Trajectory tracking control considering the transmission backlash of the dual-motor autonomous steering system, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 2024, 238(8):2451-2464. J60. Jiang Xinwei, Xu Xing. Nonlinear characteristic analysis of gas-interconnected quasi-zero stiffness pneumatic suspension system: a theoretical and experimental study. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2024,37, 58. J59. Vincent Akolbire Atindana, Xing Xu, et al. A novel semi-active control of an integrated chassis and seat quasi-zero stiffness suspension system for off-road vehicles, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2024, 30,(23-24):5536-5559. J58. Vincent Akolbire Atindana, Xing Xu, et al. Experimental design and optimization of pneumatic low‑frequency driver seat for off‑road vehicles: quasi‑zero negative stiffness and gray wolf optimization algorithm, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2023, 45(9):502. J57. Jiang Xinwei, Xu Xing, Liang Cong et al. Event-triggered H-infinity control of semi-active quasi-zero stiffness air suspension system for commercial vehicles, J Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2023, 237(24):5829-5841. J56. He Shenguang,Xu Xing,et al. Fault detection and fault-tolerant control of autonomous steering system for intelligent vehicles combining Bi-LSTM and SPRT, Measurement,2023, 212, 112708. J55. Jiang Xinwei,Xu Xing,Liu Huan, et al. Robust controller design of a semi-active quasi-zero stiffness air suspension based on polynomial chaos expansion, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2024, 30(3-4):906-925. J54. Xu Xing,Jiang Xinwei,Chen Lei, et al. Semi-active control of a new quasi-zero stiffness air suspension for commercial vehicles based on event-triggered H∞ dynamic output feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, 111:12161-12180. J53. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. Efficient mode transition control for DM-PHEV with mechanical hysteresis based on piecewise affine H∞ strategy, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,2023,9(3):4366-4379. J52. He Shenguang,Xu Xing,et al. Adaptive control of dual-motor autonomous steering system for intelligent vehicles via Bi-LSTM and fuzzy methods, Control Engineering Practice, 2023,130, 105362. J51. Xie Ju,Xu Xing,Tang Zhao,et al. Adaptive coordination control strategy for path-following of DDAEV with neural network based moving weight coefficients, Transactions of The Institute of Measurement and Control, 2023, 45(7):1282-1297. J50. Xu Xing,Xu Zheng,et al. Open-circuit voltage curve reconstruction for degrading lithium-ion batteries utilizing discrete curve fragments from an online dataset, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,56:106003. J49. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. Four-mass-PWA model-based robust H-infinity coordinated control strategy for MTP of DM-PHEV, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2023, 92(2-4):149-172. J48. Jie Ju, Xu Xing, et al. Coordination control strategy for human-machine cooperative steering of intelligent vehicles: A reinforcement learning approach,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(11): 21163-21177. J47. Ma Zhixiang, Xu Xing,et al. Negative stiffness control of quasi-zero stiffness air suspension via data driven approach with adaptive fuzzy neural network method, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 24:3715-3730. J46. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. CAN-induced asynchronous random delays-considered mode transition system for DM-PHEV based on constrained output feedback robust control strategy, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(6):5995-6006. J45. 徐兴, 陈雷, 等. 基于H-infinity状态反馈的商用车准零刚度空气悬架系统半主动控制, 机械工程学报, 2022, 59(12):306-317. J44. Liu Zhenyu,Xu Xing,et al. Variable transmission ratio design of a steer-by-wire system for intelligent vehicles, Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(16): 9341-9353. J43. Chen Lei,Xu Xing,et al. Semi-active control of a new quasi-zero stiffness air suspension for commercial vehicles based on H2H∞ state feedback, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023, 29(7-8):1910-1926. J42. Xu Xing,Liu Huan,et al. Uncertainty analysis and optimization of quasi-zero stiffness air suspension based on polynomial chaos method, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 35(1):93. J41. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. Event-triggered H∞ coordinated control based mode transition system of DM-PHEV, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering. 2023, 27(6):1214-1227. J40. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. H-infinity non-clutch coordinated control for mode transition system of DM-PHEV with CAN-induced delays, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 107(1):1003-1021. J39. 徐兴,施天玲, 等. 准零刚度空气悬架系统建模与动态特性研究, 振动与冲击, 2021,40(24):205-211+292. J38. Liu Zhenyu,Xu Xing,et al. Trajectory tracking control based on the dual-motor autonomous steering system with time-varying network-induced time delay, Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 116, 104915. J37. Xie Ju,Xu Xing,et al. Modeling adaptive preview time of driver model for intelligent vehicles based on deep learning, Proc IMechE Part I: J System and Control Engineering. 2021, 236(2):355-369. J36. Wang Jun,Xu Xing,et al. Nonlinear analysis of a quasi-zero stiffness air suspension based on the cell-mapping method. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2021, 26(2): 148-160. J35. Liang Cong,Xu Xing,et al. Coordinated Control strategy for mode transition of DM-PHEV based on MLD, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 103(1):809-832. J34. Xie Ju,Xu Xing,et al. Modeling Human-like longitudinal driver model for intelligent vehicles based on Reinforcement Learning, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 2021, 235(8):2226-2241. J33. Xie Ju,Xu Xing,Tang Zhao,et al. Coordinated control based path following of distributed drive autonomous electric vehicles with yaw-moment control, Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 106, 104659. J32. Xu Xing,Su Pengwei,et al. Coordinated Control of Dual-Motor Using the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic in Autonomous Steering System of AGV, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2021, 23(4):1070-1086. J31. Xu Xing,Lin Yuzhen,et al. Active equalization control strategy of li-ion battery based on state of charge estimation of an electrochemical-thermal coupling model, International Journal of Energy Research, 2020,44(5):3778-3789. J30. Xu Xing,Zhang Tao,et al. Integrated energy management strategy of powertrain and cooling system for PHEV, International Journal of Green Energy, 2020, 17(5):319-331. J29. Lin Yuzhen,Xu Xing,et al. A hybrid observer for SOC estimation of lithium-ion battery based on a coupled electrochemical-thermal model, International Journal of Green Energy, 2019, 16(15):1527-1538. J28. Chen Long,Qin Dongfang, Xu Xing, et al. A path and velocity planning method for lane changing collision avoidance of intelligent vehicle based on cubic 3-D Bezier curve, Advances in Engineering Software, 2019, 132:65-73. J27. Xu Xing , Tang Zhao, et al. Coordinated Control for Path Following of Two-wheel Independently Actuated Autonomous Ground Vehicle, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019, 13(4):628-635. J26. 徐兴,汤赵,等. 基于变权重系数的分布式驱动无人车轨迹跟踪[J].中国公路学报,2019,32(12):36-45. J25. 徐 兴, 徐新铮, 等. 新型双电机行星耦合PHEV多目标补偿能量优化策略研究, 西安交通大学学报, 2019,53(3):125-134. J24. 徐 兴, 糜 杰, 等. 基于挂钩力模型的拖挂式房车同步制动控制, 北京航空航天大学学报, 2019, 45(7):1283-1293. J23. 徐兴, 徐琪凌, 等. 车用锂离子动力电池电化学模型修正方法, 机械工程学报, 2019,55(12):128-136. J22. 徐兴, 卢山峰, 等.基于差动和自主转向协调的分布式驱动无人车轨迹跟踪, 汽车工程, 2018,40(4):475-481. J21. 徐 兴, 陈特, 等. 车用直驱轮毂电机传感器故障诊断, 振动、测试与诊断, 2018,38(3):570-574. J20. 徐 兴, 陈特, 等. 分布式驱动电动汽车转矩节能优化分配, 中国公路学报,2018,31(5):183-190. J19. Chen Te, Xu Xing, et al. Estimation of Longitudinal Force, Lateral Vehicle Speed and Yaw Rate for Four-wheel Independent Driven Electric Vehicles, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 101(2):377-388. J18. Chen Te, Xu Xing, et al. Speed-Dependent Coordinated Control of Differential and Assisted Steering for In-wheel Motor Driven Electric Vehicles, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 2018, 232(9):1206–1220. J17. Tang Zhao, Xu Xing, et al. Optimal Torque Distribution Strategy for Minimizing Energy Consumption of Four-wheel Independent Driven Electric Ground Vehicle, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2018, 21(3):375-384. J16. Xu Xing, Wang Wei, et al. A Comparative Study of Sensor Fault Diagnosis Methods Based on Observer for ECAS System, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 87(3):169-183. J15. Yang Xiao, Chen Long, Xu Xing, et al. Parameter Identification of Electrochemical Model for Vehicular Lithium-ion Battery Based on Particle Swarm Optimization, energies, 2017, 10(11):1811. J14. 卢山峰, 徐兴, 等. 轮毂电机驱动汽车电子差速与差动助力转向的协调控制, 机械工程学报, 2017,53(16):78-85. J13. 徐 兴, 王 位, 等. 基于GA的车用锂离子电池电化学模型参数辨识, 汽车工程, 2017, 39(7):813-821,838. J12. 李仲兴, 王吴杰, 徐 兴, 等. 四轮独立驱动电动汽车能效分析与功率分配, 汽车工程, 2016, 38(9): 1037-1043. J11. 陈 龙, 李文瑶, 徐 兴, 等.基于在线ECMS 的混合动力公交车能量管理策略优化与HIL仿真, 汽车工程, 2016, 38(10): 1163-1168,1183. J10. Chen Long, Li Wenyao, Xu Xing, et al. Energy Management Optimisation for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Sports Utility Vehicle with Consideration to Battery Characteristics, Int. J. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 2016,8(2):122-138. J9. Wang Wei, Xu Xing,et al. Order Reduction of Lithium-ion Battery Model Based on Solid State Diffusion Dynamics via Large Scale Systems Theory, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163(7): A1429-A1441. J8. 徐兴, 陈 特, 等. 基于UIO/双KF的4WID-EV驱动轮纵向力估计, 汽车工程, 2016, 38(9):1095-1100. J7. Xu Xing, Zou Nannan, et al. Modelling and Analysis of Parallel-interlinked Air Suspension System Based on a Transfer Characterisation, Int. J. Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 2016, 12(1):1-23. J6. Xu Xing, Zou Nannan, et al. Hierarchical Control of Ride Height System for Electronically Controlled Air Suspension Based on Variable Structure and Fuzzy Control Theory, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 28(5): 945-953. J5. 徐兴,等. 电控空气悬架充放气的动态建模及特性仿真, 系统仿真学报, 2011, 23(6):1225-1228. J4. 徐兴,等. ECAS客车车身高度的实时跟踪, 机械工程学报, 2011,47(2): 136-141. J3. 徐兴,等. 拖车电磁制动器电磁体工作姿态稳定性的研究, 中国机械工程, 2008,19(14): 1645-1648. J2. 徐兴,等. 用于制动器的电磁体非轴对称结构设计, 江苏大学学报(自然科学版), 2006,27(3):245-248. J1. 徐兴,等. 制动器用电磁体的另一种非对称磁路设计, 中国安全科学学报, 2006, 16(9):105-109. 会议论文: C13. Chen Xiao, Xu Xing, et al. Prediction of SiC MOSFET Power Modules Junction Temperature for Electric Vehicle Based on Electro-Thermal Coupled Model, INDIN24: The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics C12. Wu Xiaohan, Xu Xing, et al. Robust Control of Electric Power Steering System Based on Aligning Torque Model, INDIN24: The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics C11. He Chuanlin, Xu Xing, et al. H∞ Resilient Control for Trajectory Tracking of Cloud-based Connected Vehicle under Hybrid Cyber Attack,IDST '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Driving and Smart Transportation C10. Gao Youyou, Li Meng, Xu Xing,et al. Robust Predictive Control of PMSM Drive for Electric Vehicle with System Nonlinearity and Uncertainties,第六届中国车辆控制与智能化大会(CVCI 2022) C9. Ma Zhixiang Xu Xing,et al. Optimization of Negative Stiffness Air Pressure for Quasi-zero Stiffness Air Suspensions Based on Cooperative Game Theory,第六届中国车辆控制与智能化大会(CVCI 2022) C8. He Shenguang, Xu Xing,et al. Fault Diagnosis Strategy of Autonomous Steering System for Intelligent Vehicle Based on State Estimation,第六届中国车辆控制与智能化大会(CVCI 2022) C7. Liang Cong, Xu Xing,et al. MLD Based Model and Validation of DM-PHEV in Mode Transition Process, 第40届中国控制会议(CCC2021) C6. Liang Cong, Xu Xing,et al. Fuel Consumption Optimization for Dual-motor Planetary Coupling PHEV Based on Adaptive Multi-target Compensation Factor, 2019中国汽车工程学会年会 C5. 徐兴, 单海强, 等. 基于扩展卡尔曼滤波器组的ECAS系统执行机构故障诊断, 中国汽车工程学会2017悬架技术分会年会 C4. 陈特,徐兴,等. Energy-Saving Oriented Torque Allocation of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle, 2016中国汽车工程学会年会 C3. 李文瑶,徐兴,等. 基于ECMS的混合动力SUV动力系统设计与研究, 2015中国汽车工程学会年会 C2. 徐兴,邹南南,等. Variable Structure Control Approach to Damping Switch Controller of Semi-Active Air Suspension, 2014中国汽车工程学会年会 C1. 徐兴,等. 基于PID/PWM的ECAS农用运输车车身高度控制, 中国农业工程学会2009年学术年会(CSAE 2009) |