论文著作: (1)应用于纵向控制的无模型自适应滑模预测控制方法. 汽车工程,2022,EI检索 (2)State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries from a gas-liquid dynamics model including the direct temperature input. Journal of Energy Storage,2021,SCI检索 (3)A new gas-liquid dynamics model towards robust state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage,2020,SCI检索 (4)Trajectory planning and tracking control of unmanned ground vehicle leading by motion virtual leader on expressway. IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2021,SCI检索 (5)Establishment and tracking control of trapezoidal steering wheel angle model for autonomous vehicles. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,2021,SCI检索 (6)Human-Like Trajectory Planning on Curved Road: Learning from Human Drivers. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2019,SCI检索 (7)Trajectory planning and optimisation method for intelligent vehicle lane changing emergently. IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2019,SCI检索 (8)Linear Model Predictive Control of Automatic Parking Path Tracking with Soft Constraints. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,2019,SCI检索 (9)Implementation and Development of a Trajectory Tracking Control System for Intelligent Vehicle. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems,2019,SCI检索 (10)基于hp自适应伪谱法的智能汽车紧急变道轨迹规划与优化.中国公路学报,2019,EI检索 (11)基于信息融合的自动泊车系统车位智能识别. 机械工程学报,2017,EI检索 (12)Strongly coupled FeP@reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with superior performance for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017,SCI检索 (13)Study on Basic features of gas-liquid mechanical coupling suspension strut,International Journal of Vehicle Design,2016,SCI检索 (14)兼顾操纵性与节能性的ECHPS可变助力特性与控制策略研究. 机械工程学报,2015, EI检索 (15)新型一体式悬架减振支柱的行程相关刚度特性研究. 振动与冲击,2012,EI检索 (16)无刷直流电机助力式EPS控制器设计与试验. 汽车工程,2011, EI检索 (17)两级阻尼可调式液压减振器的性能仿真与试验. 机械工程学报,2010,EI检索 (18)基于虚拟样机模型的车辆蓄能悬架联合仿真研究. 振动与冲击,2010,EI检索 |