代表论著 | 【发表的论文】 [1] Weiqi Zhou*, Nanchi Wu, Qingchao Liu, Chaofeng Pan, Long Chen. Research on Ecological Driving Following Strategy Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Sustainability, 2023, 15(18):13325. (SCI) [2] Weiqi Zhou*, Qing Qin, Shiyu Xu, Jiahao Zhu. Modelling and Simulation Study of a Segmented Converging Thermoelectric Heat Exchanger for Power Generation Efficiency Improvement. High Energy Chemistry, 2023, 57(2): 89-100. (SCI) [3] Weiqi Zhou, Jiahao Zhu, Zheng Xu, Xing Xu*. An Improved Capacity-Loss Diagnostic Model Based on Long Short-Term Memory Network. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170(2):020516. (SCI) [4] Weiqi Zhou*, Jiasheng Yang, Qing Qin, Jiahao Zhu, Shiyu Xu, Ding Luo, Ruochen Wang*. Research on Module Layout and Module Coverage of an Automobile Exhaust Thermoelectric Power Generation System. Energies,2022,15(987):1-15. (SCI) [5] 周卫琪*, 齐翔, 基于多传感器信息融合的汽车行驶状态估计,汽车工程2019.1.25, 41(1): 7-13. (EI) [6] 周卫琪*, 齐翔, 陈龙,徐兴. 基于无迹卡尔曼滤波与遗传算法相结合的车辆状态估计,汽车工程,2019.2.25,41(2):198-205. (EI) [7] Zhou Weiqi*, Chen Long, Ge Huiming. A multi-product multi-echelon inventory control model with joint replenishment strategy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013,37(4):2039-2050.(SCI/EI) [8] Zhou Weiqi*, Chen Long. Research on the inventory control of the remanufacturing reverse logistics based on the quantitative examination,Scientia Iranica,2017,24(2):741-750. (SCI) [9] 周卫琪,张军波*,罗丁,汪若尘. 基于MPPT算法的温差发电回收效率研究. 电源技术,2021,45(8):1066-1069. [10] 王啟鹏,周卫琪,景鹏. 基于区间D-S证据理论的干线公交信号优先方案评价模型. 公路交通科技,2019,36(10):114-120,151. [11] Zhou Weiqi*, Chen Long, Ge Huiming. A Multi-product Multi-level Inventory Control Model Based on Agile Supply Chain. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2014 (6):1-10. [12] Chaofeng Pan, Aibao Huang, Long Chen, Yingfeng Cai, Liao Chen, Weiqi Zhou. A review of the development trend of adaptive cruise control for ecological driving. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2022,236(9): 1931-1948. (SCI) [13] Luo Ding, Wang Ruochen*, Yu Wei, Zhou Weiqi. Performance evaluation of a novel thermoelectric module with BiSbTeSe-based material, Applied Energy, 2019,238: 1299-1311. (SCI) [14] Luo Ding, Wang Ruochen*, Yu Wei, Zhou Weiqi. A novel optimization method for thermoelectric module used in waste heat recovery. Energy Convers Manage, 2020, 209:112645. (SCI) [15] Luo Ding, Wang Ruochen*, Yu Wei, Zhou Weiqi. Parametric study of a thermoelectric module used for both power generation and cooling. Renewable Energy, 2020, 154:542-552. (SCI) [16] Luo Ding, Wang Ruochen*, Yu Wei, Zhou Weiqi. Parametric study of asymmetric thermoelectric devices for power generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(8):6950-6963. (SCI) [17] Luo Ding, Wang Ruochen*, Yu Wei, Zhou Weiqi. Performance optimization of a converging thermoelectric generator system via multiphysics simulations. Energy, 2020, 204:117974. (SCI) [18] Luo Ding, Yan Yuying, Wang Ruoch*, Zhou Weiqi. Numerical investigation on the dynamic response characteristics of a thermoelectric generator module under transient temperature excitations. Renewable Energy, 2021,170:811-823. (SCI) [19] Chen Jie, Wang Ruoch*, Luo Ding, Zhou Weiqi. Performance optimization of a segmented converging thermoelectric generator for waste heat recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022,202:117843. (SCI) [20] 于英,周卫琪,陆颖,刘国栋.交通运输工程学(第2版),北京大学出版社,500,000字,2017. |