2017年09月08日 13:45    点击:[]
职称 副教授、硕士生导师 办公室 汽车研究院227
电话 邮箱 zhangby@ujs.edu.cn




姓名 Name
张步云 Buyun Zhang
职称 Professional Title 副教授 Associate Professor
所在学科 Discipline 车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering
硕导/博导 M./Ph.D. Supervisor 硕士生导师 Master Supervisor
电子信箱 E-mail zhangby@ujs.edu.cn
联系地址 Address


Rm 227, 301 Xuefu Rd, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 China

学习经历 Education

  • 2009/092015/04 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,工程力学专业,博士;获工学博士学位

Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 2015

  • 2005/092009/06 中国矿业大学 机电工程学院,机械工程及自动化专业;本科;获工学学士学位

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China, 2009

工作经历 Professional Experience

  • 2019/122020/12美国韦恩州立大学工程学院,访问学者

2019/122020/12, Scholar visitor of Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University, USA

  • 2018/04至今,江苏大学汽车工程研究院,副教授

2018/04present, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Jiangsu University (JU)

  • 2018/01至今,江苏大学车辆工程专业,硕士生导师

2018/01present, Master Supervisor of Vehicle Engineering, JU

  • 2015/102018/09江苏大学机械工程博士后流动站,博士后

2015/102018/09, Postdoctor, Postdoctoral Research Station of Mechanical Engineering, JU

  • 2015/072018/04江苏大学汽车工程研究院,讲师

2015/072018/04, Lecturer, AERI, JU

主讲课程 Causes Taught

  • 新能源汽车概论 An Introduction to New Energy Vehicles20162017

  • 机械振动基础 Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration20182019

研究方向 Fields of Specialization

  • 车辆非平稳随机动力学控制 Non-stationary random dynamics control for vehicles

  • 新能源汽车轻量化设计 Lightweight design for New Energy Vehicles (NEV)

  • 智能结构动力学设计与能量回收 Design and energy harvesting of smart structures

主要论著 List of Publication

  1. 薛红涛,张步云,张云顺,王勇. 机械振动基础. 机械工业出版社, 2019.

  2. B. Zhang, T. Dai, C.A. Tan, Characteristics and Control of Suspension System of Vehicle Subjected to Non-stationary Random Excitations Based on Varying Resonant Frequency Bands. ICANDVC 2021, 1-15, 2022.

  3. B. Zhang, C.A. Tan, T. Dai, Ride comfort and energy dissipation of vehicle suspension systems under non-stationary random road excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 511 (2021) 116347.

  4. B. Zhang, F. Zeng, C.A. Tan, Dynamic resonant frequency bands of suspension system of vehicles with varying speeds based on time-frequency spectrum, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 38 (2021) 333-343.

  5. R.H. Zheng, H.H. Chen, D. Vandepitte, S. Gallas, B.Y. Zhang. Generation of sine on random vibrations for multi-axial fatigue tests, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 126:649-661.

  6. Y. Wang, H.D. Meng, B.Y. Zhang, R.C. Wang. Analytical research on the dynamic performance of semi-active inerter-based vibration isolator with acceleration-velocity-based control strategy, Struct Control Health Monit, 2019, 26:e2336.

  7. B. Y. Zhang, H. H. Chen, R. C. Wang, Y. Wang, F. L. Zeng. New random signal generating method of multiple excitation vibration system based on white noises, Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2017, 49(6):839-844.

  8. B. Y. Zhang, R. C. Wang, F. L. Zeng. Jacobi-impendence compound control algorithm of MIMO sine onrandom mixed mode vibration test, Journal of Vibration, Measurement & Diagnosis, 2017, 37(6):1089-1093.

  9. B. Y. Zhang, R. C. Wang, X. D. Sun, F. L. Zeng. Impedance control method of stepped swept sine vibration test based on periodic extension, Mechanics in Engineering, 2017, 39(6):573-578

  10. B. Y. Zhang, R. C. Wang, X. D. Sun, F. L. Zeng. Research on dynamical frequency domain distribution of suspension under non-stationary random excitation, Science Technology and Engineering, 2017, 17(33):1671-1815.

  11. B. Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, R. C. Wang, X. D. Sun. Rear axle design simulation and experimental research of Yuejin C50 on multiple conditions, Machinery Design & Manufacture, 2017, 10:121-125.

  12. J. H. Liu, P. Sun, B. Y. Zhang. Effects of diesel/ethanol dual fuel on emission characteristics in a heavy-duty diesel engine, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 231(2017) 012190

  13. B. Y. Zhang, R. C. Wang, F. L. Zeng. A new compound control method for sine-on-random mixed vibration test, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 231(2017) 012184.

  14. B. Y. Zhang, H. H. Chen, R. C. Wang, F. L. Zeng. Jacobi control algorithm for MIMO random vibration test, Journal of Vibration Engineering, 2017, 30(4), 549-555

科研项目 Scientific Programs

  1. 省部共建交通工程结构力学行为与系统安全国家重点实验室国际重点合作项目,面向节能与道路友好型重载车辆车路耦合非平稳随机振动研究,2021-2022在研,主持。

  2. 江苏省工信厅,轻量化客车力学性能分析研究,2018-2021,在研,主持。

  3. 国家青年科学基金项目51705205,非平稳随机激励下参数不确定悬架系统动态频域追踪复合控制研究,2018-2020,结题,主持。

  4. 国家青年科学基金项目51705204,考虑多维动态耦合特性的混合动力行星传动系统瞬态振动放大机理与抑制方法研究,2018-2020,结题,参与。

  5. 国家青年科学基金项目11102083,热环境下结构模态试验与分析方法研究,2012-2014,结题,参与。

  6. 江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目16KJD460001,车-路耦合非平稳随机激励系统建模与动态响应控制研究,2016-2018,结题,主持。

  7. 江苏大学高级人才引进科研资助项目15JDG166,MIMO随机及混合型振动试验控制系统研究,2016-2018,结题,主持。

所获专利 Patents
  • 张步云,戴涛,李江,张勇. 一种充气式液电馈能悬架. ZL201910235372.5

  • 张步云,邹康,戴涛,李江,张勇. 一种车辆悬架自检系统及自检方法. 202011219060.1



